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NJDEP & OSHA – environmental consulting

Health and safety program

Firstech Environmental's experience in understanding the potential hazards associated with construction activities at sites, and experience in conducting similar work at commercial and industrial developments, have led us to develop a comprehensive health and safety plan. This plan was specifically designed to recognize and mitigate potential health and safety hazards associated with our field activities, and involves overall safety goals, regular training in Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) certified courses, and site-specific health and safety plans.

Firstech Environmental's corporate health and safety goals
Firstech Environmental's corporate health and safety mission is to perform work in a safe, healthy environment without posing a risk to the health and safety of Firstech Environmental personnel, subcontractors, facility personnel, clients, and the general public. We have established a goal of zero health and safety incidents for every project we complete.

Health and safety plans - OSHA compliance
Prior to conducting any work on-site, Firstech Environmental develops a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP includes emergency contacts names and phone numbers, hospital location map, discussion of site-specific hazards, and a summary of OSHA requirements for the contracted tasks.

The safety program that is adhered to for site activities is based on applicable sections of the following:

  • OSHA Safety and Health Standards -- 29 CFR 1910 (General Industry)
  • OSHA Safety and Health Standards -- 29 CFR 1910/1926 (Construction Industry)
  • OSHA Safety and Health Standards -- 29 CFR 1910.120 (HAZWOPER)

Firstech Environmental takes great pride in meeting the safety requirements listed above. We practice sound safety procedures in a cost-effective manner, and in compliance with all regulatory and contract requirements.

Professional experience and profiles
With over 80 combined years of professional, technical, managerial, and contracting experience in New Jersey, Firstech Environmental consistently exceeds the expectations of our clients.

Licenses, certifications, insurance and training

Licenses and certifications

  • Licensed Site Remediation Professionals
  • NJDEP Underground Storage Tank Closure Certified
  • NJDEP Subsurface Evaluation Certified

Additionally, Firstech Environmental employs personnel who are individually certified by the NJDEP for UST Closure and Subsurface Evaluation.

Firstech Environmental maintains General, Pollution, and Professional Liability insurance. A copy of Firstech Environmental's certificate of insurance is available for review at any time.

Training programs
Firstech Environmental personnel receive training and complete certified courses in:

  • 40-Hour OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) HAZWOPER training course
  • 8-Hour OSHA HAZWOPER training refresher
  • New Equipment
  • New Technologies
  • Hazardous Waste Supervisor
  • OSHA Excavating, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics